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Warmly celebrate the grand opening of 3KM Optoelectronics' subsidiary Hiscience Electric’s new home

Author:admin   |   Release Time:2023-11-20 13:24:49   |   Source :3KM Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.


At 10:08 on November 20, Hiscience Electric held a brief but grand opening ceremony for the new home. The chairman of 3KM Optoelectronics and the general manager of Hiscience Electric each delivered exciting opening speeches.

The beautiful and comfortable office environment, the happiness blooming on every employee's face, the nearly 3,000 square meters of production workshop, and 6 brand-new production lines have greatly alleviated the company's tight production capacity in recent years and met the production capacity needs of the sharp increase in customer orders. At the same time, it also marks that the development of Hiscience Electric has reached a new level.

Here, We wish Hiscience Electric and 3KM Optoelectronics to go further and further on the road of high-quality development, and lead all colleagues in the company to achieve material prosperity and spiritual prosperity!








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